Summary of the Conference
BRCDGV- 2019 the conference, which took place on 7-8 November 2019 in Ternopil, Ukraine, was organized jointly with the Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, and was a continuation of a series of unique meetings initiated in 2017 by Indo-European Education Foundation in cooperation with University of Applied Sciences in Nysa, Poland; Savitribai Phule Pune University, India, Patna University, Patna Indie; Galati University, Romania, and many other partners from different part of the world.
Day 1
During the first day, the conference was conducted jointly by the BRCDGV initiatior, Dr Pradeep Kumar, President of Indo – European Education Foundation; Professor, Dr. Sc., Petro Yasniy, the Rector of hosting university (Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University), Correspondent member of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Dr Iryna Kramar, Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics and Management, TNTU Ternopil, Director of Indo-European Centre at TNTU (representative of IEEF, PL).
After the official part of the conference, participants took part in special event and be part of unique performance by the students of Halician I. Chornovil college who presented collection of Ukrainian national clothes in ethno-style (author of the Collection – Oksana Hrytsai).
Day 2
On November 8th, 2019 delegation from India, headed by Dr. Pradeep Kumar, President of the Indo-European Education Foundation, Poland visited Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Techical Unversity (TNTU). The purpose of the visit was to discuss further prospects of cooperation between TNTU and Patna University, India.
The official part of the BRCDGV was ended with closing speech of Mrs. Renata Żukowska, CEO of Indo – European Education Foundation.
Inauguration of IEEF's Indo - European Centre at TNTU
The Indo-European Centre (IEC) at TNTU as a representative of Indo-European Education Foundation (Poland) was officially opened at Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University (Ukraine).
The inauguration was held by the Rector of the University, Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine, D.Sc., ProfessorPetro Yasniy, President of the Indo-European Education Foundation, Dr. Pradeep Kumar, and Member of the Indian Parliament, Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Industry, Secretary General and National Spokesperson for Janata Del United Shri K.C. Tyagi.
The activity of the Center is aimed at establishing and developing educational, research, indistrial and cultural ties of TNTU, as well as other higher educational establishments and business entities of Ukraine with Indian partners.
Development of international cooperation
On November 8, during the 2nd day of BRCDGV the leaders of the regional state administration invited foreign delegation of representatives of India, Poland and Great Britain for an official meeting establishing and developing international cooperation.
Indian partners of the Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University visited Ternopil Regional State Administration and Ternopil City Council to discuss prospects of further collaboration.
The delegation was headed by the Rector of the University, Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Petro Yasniy and President of Indo-European Education Foundation, Dr. Pradeep Kumar.
Keynote Speakers

Volodymyr Gevko
Member of Ukrainian Parliament, Chairman of the Regional Council of Entrepreneurs in Ternopil
Scientific Committee / Speakers