Risk in Global Communication

International Seminar/Webinar


November 24, 2020

Department of Modern Languages

University of Applied Sciences in Nysa, Poland



  • Indo-European Education Foundation,
  • Patna University, Bihar, India,
  • Department of Modern Languages, and International Cooperation Office, University of Applied Sciences in Nysa (UAS), Poland,
  • Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine

Webinar language:

  • English
  • Polish
  • German


  • Conference participation without publication (free of charge)
  • Conference participation with publication (registration online through www.brcdgv.com)

Deadline for abstracts: August 21, 2020

Call for Papers

Due to the pandemic situation, we would like to maintain contact with our research colleagues, university partners, and friends. Therefore, we aim to hold this one-day webinar on how to identify and manage risk in global communication inviting our colleagues to participate in interdisciplinary discussions on the concept of risk in their fields of expertise.

November 24, 2020 

Department of Modern Languages

University of Applied Sciences in Nysa, Poland


Risk in Global Communication_NYSA _Webinar_ Program

Selected_ABSTRACTS SET_final


Possible topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • the concept of risk in language, literature, and culture
  • the articulation of risk in various discourses
  • risk in translation process; managing risk in translation services
  • translation technology – risk or facilitator?
  • risk in film, theatre, television, and social media
  • risk in education process; dangers, risks, and opportunities of elearning
  • education technology – risk or facilitator?
  • risky issues in the process of language acquisition
  • risky issues in the process of internationalization in higher education
  • risk in travel; the concept of risk in travel writing
  • risk society and global communication

Due to different time zones, it is also possible for participants to send us a recorded video of their webinar presentation (15-20 minutes) so that scholars from other corners of the world could join us and share with other colleagues their research on the aforementioned issues. Each webinar presentation should be no longer than 20 minutes.

To submit, please send an abstract of up to 250 words, with a short bio (100 words) to alina.dittmann@pwsz.nysa.pl  (session in German and Polish), agnieszka.kaczmarek@pwsz.nysa.pl (session in English and Polish), and to info@ieef.pl (for all types).

An abstract should include a title of a webinar presentation. All articles will be subject to a double-blind peer-review process. Authors of the articles are responsible for language editing and submitting a paper proofread by a native speaker of English, Polish or German. All selected papers will published in the form of text book as well as online with separate ISBN and ISSN. Please follow Article submission guidelines.