BRCDGV is an international conference platform, launched in 2017, at the university of Applied Sciences in Nysa (Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Nysie), Poland,  in cooperation with university of Applied Sciences in Nysa, Poland; Savitribai Phule Pune University, India; Galati university, Romania, and many other partners from different part of the world. The objective of the conference BRCDGV is to provide the most effective & efficient platform for business development and academic collaborations with solutions for sustainable growth by identifying the challenges and opportunities.

By leveraging the talents and know-how of its people, combined with industry leading technology, IEEF helps universities throughout Poland, India and Europe, enhancing academia-industry satisfaction, improving efficiencies, ensuring duties & responsibilities for companies and academic institutions, and improve their quality business models by providing an international platform of BRCDGV.


BRCDGV-2020 (3rd edition) is going on site and online

This is to inform you all that the conference (BRCDGV-2020) is going to be held at the University of Applied Sciences in Nysa, Poland, in two parallel systems:

  1. Online real-time presentations and sessions organised via video conferencing platform, organised and conducted by University of Applied Sciences in Nysa, Poland
  2. Releasing of conference book as conference proceedings by Patna University, Patna (Bihar), India


Taking into consideration the fact that the Covid-19 pandemic situation is still uncertain, the conference organisers inform that in the event of inauspicious developments they remain the right to change the conference participation to online- only format.  

BRCDGV-2020 Programme

Text Book will be published by Novelty & Co., Patna, India

Risk in Global Communication_NYSA _Webinar_ Program

Dr Pradeep Kumar

Founder & President of Indo-European Education Foundation, Warsaw, Poland

Faculty, University of Applied Sciences in Nysa, Poland

President, Advanced Business Solutions Institute, Warsaw, Poland  

External Expert for Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA), Poland

The cross-border connections are increasing on a daily basis in this changing world scenario with integration of societies, economies and cultures. Widely nations are getting recognition through political and economic reforms, rapid technological changes, and population growth. Innovations and the dissemination of new technologies are becoming driven forces for an individual and societal progress. National barriers to the flow of goods, capital and people are breaking down and platforms, processes and policies are standardizing. It simply means that global risks for doing business are changing rapidly. And institutions, organizations, companies, universities, stockholders and law makers need to anticipate tomorrow’s risks today.

In past decades, traditional universities were known for the long traditional practices of research and higher education for the elite without accessibility to the general people. But today education is a basic need of society for an individual and societal growth. World’s most developed countries are facing issues of demographic changes, and their traditional universities are struggling to maintain their branding by getting less and less applicants; other side- many developing nations are getting higher demands for quality of education and are not able to provide enrollments for tertiary education due to overpopulation. It has changed the entire profile of higher education from traditional institutions to knowledge based institutions; from research centers to innovative technological hubs; from elite to large segment of population, from traditional communication to technological communication, from traditional classrooms to virtual universities, from costs pressure to new forms of financing with accountability.

At Indo-European Education Foundation, we’ve been helping business since 2013. From academia to industries, business strategies to risk management, collapsing academic institutions to most prominent academic giants and understanding emerging risks to successfully lead their companies into the future.

IEEF’s BRCDGV (Business Risk in Changing Dynamics of Global Village) is a multidisciplinary international platform for academia, industries, law makers, thought leaders, learners, educators, state representatives, independent thinkers, experts, and society at large to present their concerns and find best possible solutions for the development of their businesses. We analyze the latest material on emerging risk to provide business with critical information and practical advice that businesses need to turn risk into opportunity.

On behalf of Indo-European Education Foundation as an initiator of BRCDGV, and our partner universities, after grand success of last two editions BRCDGV-1 in Poland at university of Applied Sciences in Nysa, and BRCDGV-2 at Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine, I am looking forward to welcoming you to India at Patna University, Patna, Bihar, for the 3rd edition of BRCDGV-2020 Conference.

We hope that the conference will bring together a unique and international mix of experts to exchange and share their experience, knowledge on all aspects of Business from all around the world with successful contribution for growing India for doing business- creating a new roadmap for development of Patna, Bihar.

Prof (Dr.) Rash Bihari Prasad Singh 
Vice Chancellor, Patna University


It is indeed a moment of immense pleasure, privilege and honour for me to utter few words on behalf of our Patna University, Patna, Bihar (INDIA), and invite soliciting your gracious presence and participation in the IIIrd edition of International Conference BRCDGV-2020, which will scheduled being taking place in Patna, Bihar (INDIA) on 23rdand 24th March 2020. It would certainly be an opportunity for all of us to renew our existing contracts and even make new ones with an avowed aim to work together for mutual interests with esteemed delegates from different countries and regions in the socio-economic and cultural arena of academic vis-à-vis inclusive development and growth of the concerned. 

It is also gratifying and encouraging to note that the agenda of the present international Conference covers a wide range of very interesting topics relating to business risks in different fields in the present era of global changing environment that somehow or rather affects the overall interests of global target populace and nations. Varied factors relating to climate change and its direct effect on the development initiatives of nations are indeed a global issue of concern for the risks that are inherently involved in doing businesses for the ultimate benefit of nations and humanity at large. The present International Conference on Business Risk in Changing Dynamics of Global Village (BRCDGV-2020) will significantly abet providing an optimum global platform for the luminaries, from the academic, political and socio-economic fields to interact and discuss such issues, in depth, andeven succeed removing stumbling blocks for the furtherance of nations mutual growth and development in the true spirit of global village where concern for humanity reign paramount. 

We understand that BRCDGV construe being an international conference platform that has been launched by Indo-European Education Foundation (IEEF) Warsaw, Poland in cooperation with university of Applied Sciences in Nysa, Poland; Savitribai Phule Pune University, India; Galati University, Romania, and many other partners from different parts of the world in 2017. The avowed objective of the BRCDGV conference is to provide the most effective and efficient platform for business development and academic collaborations with solutions for sustainable growth through exchange of latest technical information, the dissemination of the high-quality research papers and results on the issues, presentation of the new developments in the arena ofbusiness risk with multicultural society, Evidently, it aimed shaping of future directions and priorities for better business environment amidst the global ecological challenges and concern.

From the times immemorial, India remained being the champion of global humanity professing her vivid doctrine of “vasudeakutumbakam” that depicts world being a family of humanity for their inclusive wellbeing and growth. In this regard the divine teachings of the great Mahavira, Buddha, and Gurunanak Deva along with many other apostles of peace has made Patna, the destination for the present conference as desirable and favoured to enable the world community of nations to visit our state of Bihar making the spirit of ‘global village’ coming  true. 

We hope that this conference in a beautiful city of Patna, in the heart of Bihar, (India) will help our guests to get to know it better, promote mutual enrichment of cultures and will positively be of great use for the participants both in personal and professional terms.
